Workout for girls in the gym to burn fat.

All girls in the world want to look good, and many of them even agree to make efforts for this. But what happens if they want to come to the gym without knowing anything about bodybuilding? The result will be zero, because in addition to the desire to become better, you also need an understanding of how to do it. We bring to your attention a short course on what a workout for girls in the gym should look like to burn fat. We will focus on the hips, buttocks and waist. It is known that it is very difficult to quickly remove excess weight from these parts of the body. Especially for women. Aerobics alone is not enough here; you need a special program of athletic exercises. But remember, you don’t have to start right off the bat. For beginners, 3 classes a week for 25 minutes will be enough, over time we increase the number of training sessions to 5, and the time to 30-40 minutes.

So, we present to you a set of exercises for women and girls to burn subcutaneous fat from the hips and buttocks:

  1. Straightening the legs at the hip joint. From the starting position on all fours, extend your leg up. Do it slowly, clean movement is important. Do 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions, if you can do more, use weight bands on your ankles.
  2. Hip abduction. From a lying position on your side, resting on your elbow, lift your leg vertically up, try to keep your muscles always tense.

  3. Hip adduction. Exercise for the inner surface. The starting position is similar, the difference is that you hold the upper leg in weight and try to pull the lower leg towards it. The movement is very difficult, so press into the floor with both hands.
  4. Lunges. This exercise specifically improves the shape of your buttocks. From a standing position, we lunge in this way: step forward with one leg, the other remains in place, into a semi-squat position. You can hold small dumbbells in your hands.

And now a small complex for the abdominal muscles, also available for girls to implement at home. Abdominal exercises are done at the end of the workout, since with tired abdominal muscles it is difficult to fully pump the rest of the body.

  1. "Twisting" Sitting on the edge of a bench, straighten your legs, trying to keep them suspended, and then pull them towards your chest. Perform all movements 3-4 approaches 20-30 times.
  2. Reverse twisting. Lying on a bench, lift your pelvis off its surface with your press, your legs bent at the knees.
  3. Knee raises on the bar. Pull your knees towards your chest; for a more challenging option, try raising your knees to the sides.

The two complexes discussed above are available both for home implementation and for implementation in a fitness center or gym. However, by visiting the latter, you will have more funds and opportunities to achieve your goal:

To work the legs and buttocks we use:

  1. Squats with a barbell or dumbbells,
  2. Leg press machine workout,
  3. Work in a Huck machine or a Smith machine, whatever you like,
  4. Lunges with a barbell or dumbbells,
  5. Seated leg extension exercise machine
  6. Lying leg curl exerciser
  7. Machine for bringing and spreading legs,
  8. Standing on straight legs,
  9. Hyperextension,
  10. Exercise machine for moving the leg back up.

To work the abdominal muscles:

  1. Sloping benches,
  2. roman chair,
  3. Swedish wall,
  4. Press machine,
  5. Exercise machine "abs, parallel bars"
  6. The simulator is similar to crunches.

Work on the exercise machines we have listed, perform the complexes discussed above at home or in the gym 5 times a week, remembering aerobics. And by aerobics we mean:

  1. brisk walking or running
  2. swimming in the pool,
  3. jumping rope,
  4. energetic dancing,
  5. working on cardio equipment,
  6. other types of aerobic exercise.

And don’t forget to monitor the energy value of your diet, because this is also very important in losing excess weight. The number of calories burned must exceed the number received from food; this is a prerequisite for burning fat! We will tell you more about this in the articles in our “Nutrition and Weight Loss” section, stay with us.

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