Training on a business trip.

Probably a typical situation for many: a business trip for a week or more... Due to the nature of our work, there are times when we need to leave our hometown and go somewhere unknown. On the one hand, there is nothing bad here: you will see other places, unwind, take a break from four walls... On the other hand, of course, such trips take you out of the normal, established life plan. And, as you know, for a bodybuilder a plan is probably the most important thing...

How to be? Do you really have to forget about the training for a week because of these annoying issues with work trips? Well, I do not! Of course, a business trip will spoil all our plans, however, we can always come up with something. I'll tell you from my own experience:

Personally, I view travel as a change in physical activity. Naturally, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to swing a barbell or exercise equipment normally, this is not fitness for you - so we focus on other things:

  1. A wrist expander (an ordinary rubber ring), or an elbow expander is not an option to train your palms and forearms on the road. Let the whole body have a good rest from strength training, but let’s put a massive emphasis on the difficult muscles of the upper extremities - such a shake-up will definitely benefit them.
  2. Hidden exercises - such as breathing exercises and Arnold Kegel techniques - are available to you anywhere and at any time - so let's take advantage of it. Let’s also train our intimate muscles – “they’ll definitely come in handy around the house”...
  3. While in another, even an unfamiliar city, you will always have the Internet at your fingertips - on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. So why not find out what available sports facilities are available at your destination or along the route? And this opens up wide horizons for your possibilities. For example, while in Yekaterinburg, it so happened that I found myself two steps away from the Central Stadium - naturally, I gladly took advantage of this gift of fate to benefit my body. Well, the infrastructure of such a large-scale sports facility allows not only jogging, but also many other options for training...
  4. We also remember the good old bodyweight exercises, such as:

  1. push ups,
  2. push-ups between benches,
  3. sitapses,
  4. twisting,
  5. and so on..
  1. Also, while staying at a hotel, I recommend that you always familiarize yourself with the infrastructure of the establishment and the range of services provided in it. Modern hotels are often equipped with gyms, massage rooms and rest and recovery rooms, well, and this opens up new horizons for training, almost similar to your usual ones at home..

So, even if you are far from home, there will always be an opportunity to continue working on building your own body, which is what we wish you goodbye.

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