Features of fat burning training

Fitness experts from Stenchand Conditioning magazine tell you how to train properly depending on your workout schedule.

Experienced fitness instructors always advise focusing on the quality of exercises depending on your training schedule. The fact is that different exercises give different results due to different levels of metabolism in the morning, afternoon and evening. Therefore, there is a special training schedule for burning fat depending on the time of day.


It is recommended to start classes after 7 o'clock, since from 5 am the body is not yet ready for the stress of fitness. It is ideal to do yoga at this time. Starting from 7 a.m. until 9 a.m., you can do “low-intensity cardio” exercises. These are exercises on an exercise bike or stepper. The body will successfully destroy about 300 kcal. Strength training is not recommended, as the level of cortisol in the blood is elevated, and the body is still weakened after sleep.


The ideal time to hit the gym is between 12 and 2 p.m. This time is great for high-intensity aerobics, high-intensity interval training, or even a short sprint. During the daytime, the body absorbs oxygen best, which means the output will be greater.


For lovers of strength exercises, it is advisable to start them from 17 to 19. Evening exercises can give you a faster increase in metabolism than exercise at other times of the day. Therefore, experts recommend adding “strength” in the evening. Just keep in mind that dumbbells and other light objects are intense aerobic training, which has nothing to do with strength exercises.

Plan your exercises correctly, and then burning fat will be an unnoticeable process for you.