How not to treat influenza and ARVI

A person wakes up in the morning and discovers that there is sand in his eyes, his nose cannot breathe, his body aches, his head is noisy, and in general it is difficult to live. But you need to live: cook breakfast, take the children to kindergarten or school, go to work, and even work at work.
The most logical solution in this situation is a package with a soluble potion, like Coldrex or Theraflu. Once you drink this, life starts to get better. But for the time being: until during the day a person feels “turned off” like a light bulb. Why? – after all, everything was done that was prescribed in the instructions and advertising.

The fact is that such drugs only mask the symptoms without treating the disease itself. They contain antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory components, which really alleviate the condition, but do not fight the virus.

As a result, the person feels better, but continues to be contagious and spread the infection. In addition, many of these drugs are addictive and weaken the immune system with long-term use.

Therefore, self-medication with such drugs cannot replace visiting a doctor and prescribing antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Only an integrated approach, including rest, drinking plenty of fluids, nutritious nutrition and taking effective medications, will defeat the infection.

Don't forget about flu prevention - vaccination, wearing masks, frequent hand washing and ventilating rooms. These simple measures will help you avoid infection or suffer a mild form of the disease.

A package of effervescent tablets should remain a backup option for relieving symptoms, but not a replacement for full treatment. This is the only way to defeat the virus, and not just deceive your own body.