A mole that is dangerous

In the summer we gladly expose our body to the sun, and in the winter we visit the solarium so that we have a tanned body at any time of the year. But is a beautiful, even tan always necessary for us and safe for health?

With frequent sunbathing, infrared radiation causes redness and burns of the skin, and ultraviolet radiation provokes the development of birthmarks, which are genetically unstable formations, a malignant type of tumor - melanoma.

Who is most often affected by melanoma? It is extremely rare in children. Melanoma also affects people in old age. Moreover, in older people it is somewhat easier and the prognosis is better; heredity plays an important role. People with fair skin need to be careful, especially if there are more than 50 moles on their body.

How does this dangerous disease begin? It is extremely rare that it begins on clean and healthy skin, and the sun is the first provocateur of the disease. But usually it occurs on the site of ordinary moles. Increased cell division occurs, and the mole may begin to transform. Most often, such moles are called melanoma-hazardous. Usually these moles are acquired, not congenital. Moles located in places not covered with hair also degenerate: on the soles, on the palms, on the inside of the shoulders and thighs. Such moles should be removed for preventive purposes - they are likely candidates for degeneration into life-threatening ones.

It turns out that almost all moles are dangerous? If moles grow in proportion to body growth throughout life, this is normal. If they begin to grow faster, as if outstripping a person’s growth, this should be alarming; such moles should be regularly shown to a doctor.

What can trigger the growth and degeneration of moles? Mainly injuries. If you accidentally hurt yourself or hit a mole, hurry to the doctor. But not to a beauty salon or the first medical institution you come across, but to a specialized one, where they can carry out the necessary examinations.

Moles can also be injured when washed with a hard washcloth. You should make it a rule: if there are a lot of moles on your body, wash only with a soft sponge, and generally gently wash protruding moles with your hand. By the way, those moles that are constantly under the strap, on the belt, on the neck, where you wear a chain, in places of contact with the edges of underwear and subject to pressure or friction, it is better to remove them in advance prophylactically, but only after consultation with a specialist.