Phones and computers affect the psyche

Nowadays, phones and computers are an integral part of our lives. We use them for work, communication, entertainment, but we do not always realize how this affects our psyche and health. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Gothenburg showed that spending a lot of time on a computer or smartphone can negatively affect our health.

The study was conducted on a group of 4,100 people aged 20-24 years. Participants were asked questions about how they use their phones and computers and how it affects their mental state. The results of the study showed that the majority of participants experienced stress, sleep disturbance and depression as a result of frequent use of technology.

One of the reasons why phones and computers can have a negative impact on our psyche is that they can keep us so busy that we forget about other tasks and personal needs. In addition, the brain is overloaded and sitting for a long time has a bad effect on our body.

The study also found that gambling addiction can lead to depression, especially in women. If a person plays for 1-2 hours a day, then the likelihood of developing depression increases significantly. Also, nighttime vigils in front of the monitor can cause sleep problems and reduce productivity at work.

What can you do to help your child or yourself overcome gaming addiction? It is important to set boundaries and limits on the time spent on the computer or phone. Involving yourself in other activities, such as sports or creative pursuits, may also be helpful. It is important to remember that technology is just a tool, and not a replacement for real life.

Additionally, cell phones can cause stress to the owner. A person may constantly check their phone for new messages or calls, which causes a feeling of anxiety and lack of freedom. It is important to learn to differentiate between personal life and work, and not feel guilty if we do not answer calls or messages during non-working hours.

Thus, phones and computers can have a negative impact on our psyche and health if we do not know how to use them correctly. It is important to learn to set boundaries and limits, and find a balance between using technology and real life.