Oral contraceptives save marriages

Oral contraceptives save marriages

Scientists from the UK have published the results of a study that showed that women who take oral contraceptives have longer marriages and feel happier than those who use other methods of birth control.

One of the reasons for this is that marriages with women taking oral contraceptives are more calm and measured. This is due to the fact that the hormonal levels of such women are more balanced throughout the entire menstrual cycle, which allows them to be less nervous, jealous and make scandals. Thus, men are always pleased to be next to a calm and balanced wife, and the likelihood of divorcing her is minimal.

In addition, women who take oral contraceptives often feel more confident and have better control over their emotions, which also contributes to more harmonious marital relationships. It is important to note that oral contraceptives not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but can also help improve women's quality of life.

However, it is also worth considering that for some women, oral contraceptives may cause unwanted side effects such as headaches, nausea, weight and mood changes. Therefore, before starting to take oral contraceptives, women need to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable type of contraception for them.

Thus, oral contraceptives can become not only an effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, but also a way to maintain a happy marital relationship. It is important to remember that each body is individual, and the choice of contraceptive method should be based on consultation with a doctor and taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each woman.