How to trick your appetite: 5 best tricks

The weight loss season is in full swing, and many women are faced with the problem of controlling their appetite. It is not always easy to cope with the desire to snack after 18:00, especially when the body constantly reminds you of food. But don't despair, there are a few tricks that will help you outsmart your appetite and avoid being fooled by excess snacking. In this article we will talk about the five most effective of them.

  1. Water

Often, a feeling of thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Therefore, when you feel the urge to snack, it is better to drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If after this time you are still thinking about food, you can have a snack. Water also takes up a lot of space in your stomach, so you will need less food.

  1. Teeth cleaning

Brushing your teeth has a double effect. Firstly, the mint flavor of toothpaste reduces appetite. And secondly, this is a psychological technique that indicates the end of the meal for the day. After brushing your teeth, you are unlikely to want to eat again to avoid contaminating your mouth with food.

  1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the main secrets of nutritionists. Its tart, bitter taste overcomes even a strong appetite. But do not overuse it, as too much strong tea is harmful. Alternate it with water.

  1. Charger

Accompany every meal with exercise. For example, before you eat, do 20 squats. This will work in two ways - on the one hand, exercise will help you cope with laziness, and on the other hand, it will reduce the feeling of hunger.

  1. Tight jeans

Wear tight jeans when you feel hungry. While sitting in them, drink a glass of water. Imagine eating a sandwich like this. You will definitely not get pleasure from this snack. And don't take off your tight jeans until the feeling of hunger passes.

But the most reliable and useful way to manage your appetite is to develop a meal schedule. Break your day into five meals, including three main meals and two snacks. Try to eat your last meal no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. It’s easier for your body to get used to the regime, and then you won’t be afraid of any bouts of gluttony.

So follow these five tricks and you can outsmart your appetite and control your weight without too much effort or restriction. But don't forget that eating right and getting regular physical activity are key to losing weight and staying healthy. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is not just a short-term diet, but a profound lifestyle change that will lead to long-term and sustainable results. Good luck in achieving your goals!