Imbalance in the snatch and clean and jerk and other nuances of planning the training load.

After 4-5 years, due to individual characteristics, an athlete may be more successful in one of the exercises of classical combined events than in another - a kind of imbalance in the snatch and clean and jerk. For example, a double event total of 285 kg is achieved in the snatch of 120 kg and in the clean and jerk - 165 (result ratio 100:137.5). If such a ratio has become constant for an athlete, then possible achievements in the snatch and clean and jerk are determined by it.

Now that the initial results in the snatch and clean and jerk for each month of the year are known, you can plan the appropriate intensity of the load to achieve the intended results. It is most convenient to plan separately for each training cycle.

Since the magnitude of the increase in results in the snatch and clean and jerk mainly depends on the volume and intensity of snatch and jerk exercises, push rows and squats with a barbell. Also, do not forget about auxiliary basic exercises for the back and legs - this is the basis of strength training for any weightlifter. It is these exercises that should be planned with the required intensity. The required volume and intensity of load in these exercises (distribution of barbell lifts in high-intensity zones) for athletes of various qualifications in the preparatory and competitive periods are presented in the table. All that remains is to determine what the training weight of the barbell should be (in kg) in each weight zone by month.

For example, let’s plan the intensity of the training load in snatch exercises for a master of sports (weight category 75 kg) in a training cycle that includes two preparatory months (with a load volume of 1900 and 2100 lifts) and one competitive month (1500 lifts).

The athlete’s planned results in the snatch in the first three months are 127.2, 128.3 and 129.4 kg. By rounding the results to a multiple of 2.5 kg and entering them into the appropriate zones, we obtain an accurate picture of the intensity of the training load in snatch exercises for the entire training cycle (Table 1).


Number of lifts

Distribution of lifts by weight zones

in a classic exercise

and other exercises

less than 70%



90% or more

Less than 90 kg

90-100 kg

102.5- 112.5 kg

115 KG I


1st preparatory







Less than 90 kg

90-102.5 kg

105—112.5 kg

115 kg or more

2nd preparatory







Less than 90 kg

90-102.5 kg

105—115 kg

117.5 kg or more








They also plan the intensity of the load in push exercises, deadlifts and squats with a barbell.

If in other exercises (press presses, bent overs, etc.) the weightlifter uses the recommended weights (see the corresponding article), then the intensity of the load in them will be optimal. There is no need to distribute barbell lifts among weight zones in these exercises, although in principle such distribution is possible.

The load planned in this way ensures an increase in results of at least 10-14 conventional units. units, which for welterweight athletes is 7.5-10 kg. If, during the three-month training process, the athlete performs a greater number of barbell lifts with high intensity, then the increase in results will be greater.

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