Who gets up early..., or 5 reasons for getting up early

Who gets up early...
5 reasons to wake up early

What could be more beautiful and sweeter than lounging in a crib, half asleep, realizing that there is no need to rush anywhere. And how, on the contrary, it can be unpleasant to forcibly tear yourself away from the pillow when, as they say, we only dream of peace...
And yet, getting up early has its advantages, not only the quantity, but also the quality of which can pleasantly or unpleasantly surprise you. Let's look at the main five of them. There are many more reasons to get up at 5 am or even earlier, but most of them come down to these basic ones.

  1. More to do
    For most people, morning time is more productive than evening or night time. This is how humans are designed - at night all processes in the body slow down. The peak of lethargy occurs in the middle of the light night (not calendar), i.e. the time between sunset and dawn. It is advisable that sleep falls just during this period, approximately between one and two in the morning. If you go to bed at 10 p.m. and get up at 5 a.m., then this is what happens.

  2. Have more free time
    Some people admitted that they would not like to get up early just to work more. Quite the contrary, they would like to have more free time. But as waking time increases, while the amount of time spent at work remains the same, free time increases.

  3. Work when no one bothers you
    Morning is the ideal time to work. It's time to do those things that you've been wanting to do for a long time, but someone was stopping you. The time is good for reading. You can also learn a foreign language. You never know what you want - just spend time on yourself.

  4. Develop a good habit
    Once you complete the 30-day experiment, you can leave the habit for life, as well as return to your previous routine. A good habit is a very powerful productivity tool.

  5. Improve health
    No matter how paradoxical it may sound, waking up early helps you sleep better. If you sleep better, you feel better. And in general, getting up in the morning is a good way to improve your health.