Home first aid kit for the winter: top 10 tips

With the arrival of winter, the likelihood of catching flu and colds increases. At the same time, many of us are not prepared for such a development of events and run to the pharmacy at the first symptoms of the disease. But if you prepare a home first aid kit in advance, you can avoid unnecessary troubles and recover quickly. In this article we will talk about the top 10 tips for collecting a home first aid kit for the winter.

  1. Make a list of necessary medications and supplies in advance. Include flu and cold medications, antibiotics, pain and fever medications, pain-relieving ointments and creams, and allergy medications.

  2. Don't forget about means to strengthen your immune system. Vitamins, probiotics and immunomodulators will help protect the body from disease.

  3. Consult your doctor before starting to take any medications. This is especially important if you have chronic illnesses or allergies.

  4. Store medications in a special cabinet or drawer out of the reach of children.

  5. Check the expiration date of medications and throw away expired medications.

  6. Include traditional medicine in your home medicine cabinet. For example, garlic, ginger, honey, lemon, viburnum, echinacea and other plants can help fight disease.

  7. Don't forget about skin care products. In winter, the skin becomes drier and requires additional care. Include ointments and creams in your first aid kit to moisturize and protect your skin.

  8. Leave a thermometer in the first aid kit. This will help you control your body temperature and seek medical help in a timely manner.

  9. Prepare supplies of drinking water and dry food in case your illness worsens and you need to stay home.

  10. Don't forget about personal hygiene. In winter, it is especially important to wash your hands and wet clean your home to prevent the spread of infections.

As a result, assembling a home first aid kit for the winter can help you avoid many problems and recover quickly in case of illness. The main thing is to prepare in advance and not forget about the proper storage of medicines and traditional medicine.