How to lose weight and not lose breasts

All women know the answer to the question “What is the first thing to lose weight?” Of course, according to the law of meanness, this is not the stomach or thighs, but the chest. We can change our bra size in the first week of a diet, but not our jeans size. How to fight this injustice? Read our material!

Women's breasts are 90% fatty tissue. According to nature’s idea, it protects the mammary glands from injury and temperature changes, and also serves as a reserve nutritional “warehouse” when feeding a child. For example, if a woman does not consume enough calories.

Diet for a beautiful and healthy bust

Structure of the mammary gland

The most interesting thing is that the size of breast fat does not depend on the total amount of fat in a woman’s body. That is, thin girls may have a small mammary gland and large “fat” on the chest, and, conversely, a plump young lady may have a small amount of fat around the gland. It depends on heredity and genetics, and not on proper nutrition.

Therefore, the larger the fat layer of the breast, the more weight the breasts will lose with a diet. This is a women's axiom.

It also happens that quite fragile girls naturally have large mammary glands. This is probably the most desirable option for all women; such breasts will not lose weight at all. During menopause, adipose tissue fills the place of glandular tissue, so women over forty while losing weight will most likely not be able to maintain the shape and size of their breasts.

But the fat layer is not the only important factor on which the beauty of the breast depends. Inside the chest there are special elastic ligaments that penetrate the chest and support it. They are called Cooper's ligaments and are responsible for the shape and tone of the breasts. These joints lose elasticity under the influence of several factors, such as age, lack of breast support (good underwear), active physical exercise (running and jumping).

If you are determined to lose weight, but do not want to lose as much of your breast size as possible, remember a few important rules:

1. Forget about express diets and fasting days

Express diets and fasting days can have a bad effect on the elasticity of connective tissues. As a result, you can lose not only fat tissue, but also breast tone. Instead, eat a healthy and moderate diet that will provide you with the nutrients you need.

2. Eat enough protein

Protein is the main building material for tissues in the body. Including enough protein in your diet will help maintain healthy muscle tissue and help maintain breast tone. Stick to protein sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts and legumes.

3. Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Strengthening your chest muscles can help improve breast tone and create a more toned appearance. Regular exercises such as push-ups, barbell or dumbbell presses, flyes and planks will help strengthen your chest muscles and give it a more toned appearance. But remember that exercise will not help increase breast size, since it is mainly composed of fatty tissue.

4. Maintain good posture and wear appropriate underwear

Correct posture can visually improve the shape of your breasts. Try to keep your back straight, tuck your shoulders, and avoid rounding your back. Also, wear appropriate bras that provide adequate support and comfort. A well-fitted bra can create a lift effect and give your breasts a more defined appearance.

5. Gradual weight loss

If you do decide to lose weight, do it gradually and in moderation. Sudden and significant weight loss can lead to loss of fatty tissue in the breasts. Try to lose weight evenly throughout your body and combine diet with physical activity to maintain muscle tissue.

6. Moisturizing and massage

Proper hydration of your breast skin will help maintain its elasticity. Use moisturizing creams or oils to massage your breasts to improve circulation and maintain healthy skin.

Remember that every body is unique and results may vary depending on heredity and individual characteristics. It's best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to develop a personalized weight loss approach based on your goals and health.