Women are ready to sacrifice sex for chocolate

Would women rather give up sex than chocolate? British scientists confirmed this theory by conducting a study involving 2 thousand people. The study found that alcohol, chocolate and sex are the hardest to give up, followed by caffeine and swearing. More than half of women (56%) are committed to relationships, compared to 5% of men. Men, on the other hand, have less willpower than women when it comes to controlling their feelings.

Interestingly, only one in ten women (9%) agreed that sex is one of the hardest things she has to live without, while one in five men (22%) expressed this opinion. 22% of women admitted that chocolate is the last thing they would give up.

When it comes to willpower, the study found that only 19% of men can control their sexual desire, compared to 31% of women. Many people believe that willpower is an innate quality, but scientists say that it can be strengthened through training, just like muscles. The idea is to get people to do things that require self-control.

In addition, the study found that women are much easier to stick to diets than men. Although everyone believes that men have a stronger will, which helps them in work and sports, women have better control over their desires when it comes to food.

Thus, the study confirms that many women are willing to sacrifice sex for chocolate, and that willpower is not an innate quality, but can be strengthened through training. It is important to understand that controlling our desires and habits can help us achieve our goals and improve our quality of life.