Buttocks tell a story about a woman’s health

The buttocks are not only an attractive part of the female body, but also a kind of barometer of a woman’s health. Experts assure that the shape and size of the buttocks can reliably determine the condition of the body as a whole. Let's look at the different types of buttocks and what they can reveal about a woman's health.

"Big success"

Round, expressive buttocks, protruding steeply from the lower back and sharply rounded above the beginning of the legs, indicate that the owner of this form of buttocks has a healthy metabolism, good heredity, normal levels of female sex hormones and a high ability to reproduce. In other words, large, round, and protruding buttocks are a symbol of an overall healthy woman. An ideal, one might say.


There is no excess fat, but the buttocks look dull: the soft tissue hangs down relaxed, forming a kind of pouch in the lower part of the butt. It’s easy to fit small size jeans on such buttocks, but problems arise with tight skirts and dresses - they don’t “fit”. Most often, such a butt occurs in women who have suddenly lost weight due to diet, some disease or pregnancy. If in general the skin turgor throughout the body is sluggish, you need to go to an endocrinologist and check the condition of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.


The butt, covered with rich relief, folds and depressions, while not suffering from excessive fullness, is most often found in former athletes and healthy women who have engaged in heavy physical labor. In general, there is nothing wrong with a sculpted butt, except that it doesn’t look very good in a swimsuit. You can correct the situation by resuming sports or gaining 2-3 kilograms.


Wide hips with underdeveloped gluteal muscles are often found in southern women. It can be difficult to choose clothes for such a figure, especially trousers - they all hang like a bag at the back. In principle, this type of figure does not convey anything bad about your health, but if your buttocks looked different before, you need to consult a specialist; perhaps you are faced with a problem with muscle weakness or an imbalance in the muscular system.


The buttocks, which are clearly excessively full, especially in the upper part, resemble bunches of grapes. This may be the result of metabolic disorders, excess consumption of fatty foods or low physical activity. In this case, you need to reconsider your diet, increase physical activity and possibly contact a nutrition specialist.

Although the shape of the buttocks can indicate a woman's health, it is not the only indicator. To maintain a woman’s health, it is necessary to monitor her overall lifestyle: eat right, exercise, do not abuse alcohol and nicotine, regularly undergo medical examinations and consult with specialists if necessary.