Kinesio tapes to help modern athletes

I once watched the beach volleyball championship with my son... Girls from the Polish team come out onto the court, all covered with some kind of multi-colored tape... My son, understandably, asked a reasonable question: “Dad, what kind of tape is glued to these athletes?”

Well, lately in almost all sports disciplines one can observe such colorful participants. If you also don’t know the answer to this question, I’ll enlighten you now...

These wide multi-colored tapes, similar to adhesive tape or electrical tape, are kinesio tapes. There is even a whole science in modern sports medicine: kinesio taping. In fact, this is the application of special orthopedic tapes to damaged areas of the body, which do not restrict movement at all, but fix the joint and/or muscles in the correct position, protecting you from even more severe re-injury. Kinesio tapes have proven their effectiveness in practice, which is why more and more professional athletes are adopting this advanced innovative technology. And not only professional athletes, but also amateurs. And why all? - yes, because the cost of the tapes is very low, they are extremely easy to use, but the impact is felt with the naked eye...

But the question is: where to buy this miracle of modern sports medicine? — Large selection of kinesio tapes here. And experienced consultants will help you make the right choice: choose the right thickness, length and type of tape. After all, special tapes have been developed for each joint, most effective for each case...

Kinesio taping is mainly used in cases of damage to the joint-ligamentous apparatus, muscle sprains and other injuries. This technology has long been adopted by track and field athletes, swimmers, representatives of all types of martial arts, as well as basketball players, volleyball players, handball players and players of other team ball competitions.

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