Are you an owl? Becoming a morning person couldn't be easier!

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In society, it is customary to call owls people who go to bed late and wake up just as late, larks - those who go to bed early and get up before dawn, but pigeons are generalists who can be both larks and owls, depending on current circumstances. But if you think that people are divided into these three categories only due to the timing of their sleep, you are mistaken. The main indicator is the period of greatest brain activity - it is on this basis that it is worth determining what kind of bird you are.

So, you can be called a night owl if you actively get to work after 16:00 and work hard until 21:00. Your middle name is a lark if you work especially hard in the first half of the day, and your peak activity occurs at 10:00-11:00. Pigeon people actively distribute their labor potential throughout the day and remain cucumber-like until the evening.

And yet, if the morning is a nightmare for you, you never show up for early meetings on time, and if you show up at the agreed time, you look like you just tore your head off the pillow, you feel terrible, you don’t understand why and why are you here, and your colleagues and acquaintances are also teasing you - they say, the night was a success, then our article is definitely for you. It is important for you to learn how to wake up correctly, get ready and come to work on time.

How to adopt the traits of a lark?

It takes special motivation to crawl out of bed. If it’s not there, then you’ll wallow until you realize that you’re already much, much too late. First, to make the early bird inheritance process as painless as possible, prepare for morning gatherings the night before. Moreover, come up with a good reason why you need to run out of the house at least half an hour earlier. This could be a visit to the doctor, manicurist, or bank.

In the evening, prepare the outfit you plan to wear in the morning - make sure it is clean and ironed. Place your lunch in a container and put it in the refrigerator; this is what you will throw in your bag in the morning. For breakfast, prepare sandwiches and place them next to the bowl. Fill the kettle with water so that in the morning you can just press the button and quickly drink tea with ready-made sandwiches.

Write down a to-do list for tomorrow in your diary in the evening so you don’t waste time on it at work.

Praise yourself

If you managed to wake up on time, quickly eat what you cooked the night before, get yourself in order, put on your chosen suit and already polished shoes, and at the same time run out of the house half an hour earlier, treat yourself - you deserve it.

Such encouragement could be a lunch break 20 minutes longer than usual, reading books and glossy books before bed, or taking a fragrant bath. After all, you now go to bed earlier, which means you have time for additional pleasant things.

Think like a lark

All owls think that larks need less time to sleep. However, this is not entirely true, the simple fact is that they go to bed earlier and sleep as much as owls, only the time frame is different.

Calculate how long it will take you to get a good night's sleep and what time you need to go to bed to wake up refreshed. This is exactly the schedule you need to adhere to. And don’t worry, you’ll quickly adjust and won’t experience any difficulties in the morning.

New world

By becoming a morning person, you will not only stop being late for work, you will see how a sleepy city wakes up, the sun rises, and hundreds of people just like you rush to work. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy your morning coffee at a nearby coffee shop, walk to the office and breathe in the fresh morning air.