How to properly work your leg muscles

Many people, trying to pump up their leg muscles, can make mistakes that can later lead to injury and make it difficult to achieve the desired results. In this article we will tell you how to avoid incorrect loading and correctly work the leg muscles to achieve maximum effect.

One of the key aspects of proper leg exercises is the correct position of the legs and knees. For example, when performing lunges, you should not touch your knee to the floor, as this can lead to injuries to the knee joints. When performed correctly, the angle between the shin of the supporting leg and the thigh should be a right angle, and the knee of the second leg should not touch the floor. It is important to remember that when performing exercises on the leg muscles, it is necessary to maintain the correct position of the knees and shins to avoid injury.

Another important aspect is the correct position of the feet. When performing exercises on the leg muscles, you must keep your feet perpendicular to the floor or support. If the feet are too far apart, the load will be on the anterior ligament, and if, on the contrary, too close, then the load will be on the posterior ligament. You need to observe moderation and enlist the support of someone nearby. It is important to remember the position in which the shins will be motionless to avoid injury and achieve maximum effect.

Some people, wanting to increase the load on the leg muscles, bring their feet together and spread them apart. However, this can lead to knee injuries. Instead, you need to monitor how you feel when doing exercises and avoid discomfort.

It is important to remember that playing sports should be enjoyable and not painful. When performing exercises on the leg muscles, you must follow the correct technique, monitor your sensations and avoid excessive stress. With the right approach, you will achieve the desired results and be able to enjoy your sport.