Top 6 exercises for a flat stomach

All women dream not so much of a slim figure, but of a beautiful flat tummy. The famous six-pack abs are the dream of many girls. Our exercises will help you get a flat tummy and a slim figure.

To correct the unsatisfactory shape of the abdomen, you need to pump all three parts of the abdominal press: upper, middle and lower. Also, we must not forget about the oblique abdominal muscles.

How to get a flat stomach in six weeks?

Before starting exercise, take a closer look at your stomach and assess its condition. If the fat layer is small, then the tummy just needs to be tightened. Otherwise, be sure to change your diet. The rest is a matter of technique, or rather six simple but daily exercises for the abs.

  1. Lying leg raises for a flat stomach

An exercise for the muscles of the lower abs, which, however, at full amplitude, allows you to pump the entire abs. To perform it, you need to lie on your back on a moderately soft surface and stretch your arms along your body. Then slowly raise your straight legs to a position of 90 degrees to the floor. Perform 8 lifts. It is important not to speed up your movements and not lift your lower back off the floor.

  1. Lowering your legs to the sides for a flat stomach

An exercise to train the oblique muscles, which are the key to a beautiful waist. Lying on your back, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Then bend your knees and lift your knees at a right angle without straining or lifting your lower back. As you inhale, lower your bent legs alternately to your right and left. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

  1. Ab scissors

Continuing to lie on your back, press your shoulder blades and buttocks to the floor, stretch your arms along your body, and slightly raise your upper body. Then alternately raise and lower your legs without touching the floor. It is important to take your time and do each exercise correctly.

  1. Lifting the body for the press

Again, lying on your back, bend your knees and press your feet to the floor. As you inhale, lift your upper body until your shoulder blades lift off the floor, exhale and lower back to the starting position. When performing this exercise, try to tense the muscles of your upper abs, not your neck.

  1. Standing Knee Raise for Abs

For this exercise you already need to move to a vertical position. Standing straight, place one hand on the back of the chair for stability. Then lift your knees alternately so that they are as close to your body as possible. After two seconds, lower it.

  1. Simultaneous lifting of the legs and body for the abs

We lie down on our back again. Then we try to raise our straight legs and body in such a way as to touch the fingers of our outstretched arms to our toes.

Perform the exercises carefully and slowly. Don't be lazy, but don't overdo it either. As a result of proper exercise, you will feel slight muscle pain the next day. Regular exercise will give you that “cherished” flat tummy and perfect abs.