Nails, fingers and palms will tell everything about your ailments

You can easily find out about your illnesses by your nails, fingers and palms. Do you want to know how to get rid of them? Then use simple treatment methods.

Your palms can tell you a lot about your health. To find out, you need to go not to a palmist, but to a doctor. But the hands also have “personal” problems that are important to solve without delay. Here are the most common troubles that occur on the thorny path of fingers and palms...

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is a professional problem for those who constantly work at a computer keyboard. Such people often develop persistent pain in the right hand (in left-handed people - in the left). Plus numbness in the thumb, index and middle fingers. The “pampered” nerve passing through the narrow carpal canal (tunnel – hence the name) is to blame for everything. In computer victims, it is compressed due to constant static load on the same muscles.

What to do? First of all, choose the “right” mouse - the hand should be straight when gripping it. Also, buy a mat with a special protrusion on which this very brush will rest when working. In this case, the angle of bend of the arm at the elbow should be straight, the elbow itself should not “hang”, but lie on the surface of the table. Stretch your hands often: shake your hands vigorously, rotate them in a circle, clench and unclench your fists, “knead” a tennis ball in your hands, etc. If it doesn’t help, then go to a neurologist - perhaps you already need drugs that improve microcirculation, vascular or B vitamins.

Of course, you are not disabled yet, but once you find yourself in the “tunnel”, forget about those sports that load your hand (for example, tennis), and also don’t even try to lift weights.


A hot soldering iron, oven, kettle, steam from an iron are household dangers from which you cannot insure yourself. And our hands suffer from them much more often than from the keyboard and mouse. How to act correctly and quickly in force majeure circumstances?

First, cool the affected hand for 10-15 minutes. Anything will do - cold water, ice from the refrigerator, frozen chicken or a bag of vegetables from the freezer. After this, apply anti-burn ointment or aerosol to the burned area (repeat this 3-4 times a day). You can treat the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The most effective folk remedy is urine. It is better not to expose your hand to the “life-giving” stream, but to moisten a gauze bandage with it. Place this compress on the burned surface and change it when it dries. But remember, if the burn area is large, do not experiment, but immediately go to the doctor.

You cannot pour oil on the burn site - this will only contaminate the wound and provoke suppuration. Treating it with cologne and alcohol lotion causes even more irritation. And never open blisters - this is the best way to “launch” an infection into the wound.


Another misfortune for your playful hands. Knives, fragments of broken stele and tin cans with sharp edges have not yet been canceled. But not everyone knows how to handle them correctly.

What do we have to do? First of all, disinfection - wash the cut area with hydrogen peroxide. If there is a lot of blood flowing from the wound, moisten a piece of bandage folded in several layers with peroxide, apply it to the cut and press on this place. Hold your hand up for a couple of minutes.

Then treat (not fill, but treat) the wound with brilliant green or iodine. After this, bandage it, or even better, use the so-called liquid plaster - this is a special aerosol that is sold in pharmacies. If after some time you notice redness or swelling at the site of the cut, be sure to go to the doctor. These are the first signs of incipient inflammation.

You cannot lubricate or smear the wound itself with iodine - this harsh antiseptic will “cauterize” the living cells and it will not heal well. Therefore, you only need to treat the skin around the cut