Diagnosis of diseases by hand

It turns out that hands are not only the calling card of every woman, but also a display of illnesses and ailments. Take a close look at your pens to see if there is anything on them that is written about in the material.

Red spots on the palms. If you have not been burned or washed by hand, and you have had stains on your palms for quite a long time, liver problems have arisen. (One exception: If you're pregnant, red spots are not a concern since increased blood flow causes redness on the skin.) What to do: change your daily diet, buy herbs at the pharmacy that cleanse the liver.

Finger length. If your ring finger is almost the same length as your index finger, you are prone to a disease such as osteoarthritis. A longer index finger is a sign of a higher risk of breast cancer.

Swollen fingers. If you have just stepped off a plane or have drank a lot of liquid over the past few days, then suddenly swollen fingers are completely justified. If this lasts long enough, this indicates the risk of hypothyroidism. Your thyroid gland produces less of the hormones that regulate your metabolism, causing weight and water to accumulate in your body.

Dull nails. If you press lightly on the nail, it first turns light, then turns pink again. If the nail remains light for more than a minute after you stop pressing, this may be a symptom of anemia. What to do: The level of red blood cells in the blood has decreased significantly, so it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamin C, dark green foods, meat and nuts. Also, do not delay visiting your doctor.

Blue fingertips. If the skin on your fingertips turns gray or blue, it means your blood circulation is severely impaired. Narrowing of the arteries leads to poor circulation, which is why you constantly have cold hands and dark fingertips. What to do: do not go outside in wet and cold weather without gloves, avoid sudden changes in temperature (do not hold ice in your hands, do not wash under cold water) and be sure to consult a doctor.

Author: Anastasia Sukhenko