Apples protect women from heart attacks

Scientists from the University of Florida (USA) came to the conclusion that eating just two apples a day can protect the fair half of humanity from heart disease. The secret is to significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the body. The Telegraph reports this.

The experiment was conducted on 160 female volunteers. The subjects were divided into two groups: in one of them, women received 75 grams of dried apples daily - the equivalent of two medium-sized fresh apples. Each of the women who took part in the experiment had their blood tested every three months for a year.

The results showed that the first three months of regular consumption of apples reduced cholesterol levels by 9%. Moreover, the level of “bad” cholesterol decreased even more: by 16%. After six months, total cholesterol fell by 13%, and low molecular weight cholesterol by 24%.

Researchers have found that eating apples has a particularly beneficial effect on the health of women during menopause. Currently, heart and vascular diseases are one of the most common causes of death in women. According to statistics, 45% of US women suffer from diseases caused by excess cholesterol.
