Restless legs syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome: How to Avoid Vein Problems

Restless legs syndrome is an unpleasant condition that many people experience after a hard day at work or a long period of standing or sitting. It manifests itself in the form of heaviness, pain, fatigue, ringing, cramps and swelling in the legs, as well as a crawling sensation, burning and numbness. But these symptoms not only interfere with normal life, but can also lead to more serious problems such as varicose veins.

Before moving on to methods of combating restless leg syndrome, it is worth understanding where it comes from. The reason is the heavy load on the veins, which cannot cope with the task of transporting blood back to the heart. Because of this, blood stagnates in the legs, causing unpleasant symptoms.

However, there are many ways to combat restless leg syndrome. Let's start with general measures that can help reduce stress on the veins:

  1. Use orthotics and quality shoes. Heels should be no more than 4 cm long and stable.

  2. Avoid wearing tight shoes, which may cause discomfort.

  3. Raise your legs up in the evening for 15 minutes, for example, lift them up onto the wall when you lie on the bed.

  4. Avoid eating at night, as this can slow down cellular turnover and interfere with vein repair.

  5. When sitting, relax your legs, do not cross them or put them on top of each other.

In addition, there are many exercises that help improve blood circulation in the legs:

  1. Lift your toes when trying to pick up an object from the floor.

  2. Bring your knees together and press the pedals, raising the toe of one foot up and lowering the toe of the other foot down.

  3. Rotate your feet in one direction or the other while sitting on a chair.

  4. Rise on your toes and lower yourself 4-5 times, standing straight with your arms extended forward.

  5. Perform the “Bicycle” exercise by rotating your legs while lying down.

It is advisable to perform these exercises not only in the evening, but also during the working day.

In addition, water procedures help improve blood circulation in the legs:

  1. Walk on the water in the bath, add sea salt - 2-3 tablespoons per bath.

  2. Make a phytobath for your feet in special equipment, such as a hot tub.

  3. Swim in the pool or just run through the water in the sea or lake.

  4. Apply gel or cream products to your feet to cool the skin and reduce swelling.

  5. Take contrast shower procedures, alternating warm and cold water.

Finally, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing in one place, take regular breaks and stretch your legs. Try to control your weight and avoid putting unnecessary stress on your legs. If you have problems with your veins, be sure to visit your doctor and get recommendations for treatment.

Overall, restless legs syndrome can be prevented and treated at home by following simple rules and guidelines. But if symptoms become too severe or new problems appear, you should consult a doctor.