Bodybuilding and table tennis - what a miracle of symbiosis?

“Do you love table tennis as much as I love it?” - the six-time Mr. Olympia great Arnold Schwarzenegger once asked his fans... It’s hard to believe, and few people know, but the invincible Champion bodybuilder, famous film actor and, finally, the outstanding politician-governor of the state of California is an avid table tennis player!

"How so?" - you ask? Is it really possible to combine such two seemingly diametrically opposed sports disciplines?

Tennis doesn’t seem to build up muscles, except that it develops the muscles of the forearm. And that’s all... So why does a bodybuilder need it then? In a word, bodybuilding and table tennis – what a miracle of symbiosis? – the celebrity herself answers this question...

When I was just starting my career in iron sports, I attended a small sports club in my town. The club is just like a club, nothing particularly outstanding - an ordinary average gym, like everywhere else. The main thing is that there were all the exercise machines and barbells of all possible calibers that I needed for work, sufficient for my athletic growth. Also there, in the corner of the hall, stood a rather shabby table tennis table. At first I didn’t even notice him, avoiding him...

But then I noticed that secret amateur table tennis tournaments are constantly taking place in our gym. Bodybuilders, after the main work in the gym, having completed the planned training plan, and having pumped up all the target muscles, gladly picked up rackets and played tennis. Moreover, there was such excitement that smoke was coming from them. Even watching these battles was interesting. I know that some players bought themselves expensive rackets and special rubbers, and particularly enterprising fans even placed money bets on the winners of these amateur friendly tournaments...

Of course, at first I couldn’t do it... But then I understood the meaning and, having gotten the hang of it, I became one of the leaders in our gym...

That's how I got hooked on this game and continue to play it to this day. And even now, having already left behind the gym and many years of work on building my own body, having climbed to the first step of the bodybuilding podium six times, having played more than twenty roles in films, I continue to periodically play this wonderful game. For example, on a day off with your children and wife. By the way, our family tennis battles are no less dynamic and exciting than those good old ones with friends in the gym.

I am for sports in all its forms! Moreover, he was never limited to bodybuilding and fitness alone! I like to ride a bike and swim in the pool. But table tennis is my special, long-standing love, with which, one can safely say, all my youth and all my brightest victories are connected!

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