Sauna is the best medicine for heart problems

Japanese scientists have proven that regular visits to the sauna have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and dry steam helps with diseases of the respiratory system and joints.

The researchers' experiment involved 40 elderly volunteers who were diagnosed with heart failure. These people visited the sauna five times a week; in total, they spent no more than 15 minutes in the steam room. Then the study participants wrapped themselves in a warm blanket for 30 minutes to maintain their body temperature 1 degree above normal.

After three weeks of experiment, scientists found that the pumping function of the heart improved. Before the start of the experiment, each participant could walk an average of 337 meters in 6 minutes, and after the end - already 379 meters.

Also, as it turned out, visiting a sauna has a positive effect on the condition of the internal walls of blood vessels - the pressure returns to normal, a substance is released that prevents the formation of blood clots.

But since not all heart patients tolerate high temperatures well, scientists advise them to steam under medical supervision.

Author: Anna Petrovskaya (based on materials from