Scientists advise residents of megacities to smile more often

Scientists advise residents of megacities to smile more often.

Life in a big city can be very stressful and lonely. Hundreds of thousands of people pass by each other every day, not paying any attention to their neighbors. But scientists from the American Purdue University offer an easy way to connect with others and improve your mood - smile.

The study, which involved nearly four hundred volunteers, found that even one glance and a smile can create a feeling of connection between people. Residents of megacities often forget that they are surrounded by other people, because they are busy with their own problems and are in a hurry. But a smile can change all that and even impact a person's life.

Many people living in big cities suffer from loneliness. The feeling that no one is paying attention to them can cause various illnesses and depression. Researchers say that an acute feeling of loneliness can be caused by the fact that others do not pay any attention to a person. But when strangers smile on the street, it can help get rid of longing and bitterness.

Scientists advise smiling at passers-by, people on public transport, colleagues in the office and everyone you meet during the day. This makes it possible to make eye contact and improve the mood of not only you, but also those around you.

In addition, smiling can help prolong life. Studies have shown that people who smile more often live longer. Smiling can reduce stress levels and improve your mood, which has positive effects on your health.

So the next time you pass a stranger on the street, remember to smile. It can change not only your day, but your life.