Emphasis on the biceps - pull-ups with a reverse grip.

I think everyone knows such a good old, but extremely effective exercise as pull-ups. It is thanks to its simplicity and accessibility that this exercise has gained incredible popularity. Moreover, it is actively used not only by bodybuilders, fitness athletes and other representatives of “iron sports”. Not a single gymnast’s training session is complete without it. The military and the Ministry of Emergency Situations include it in their training. And why all? Yes, because you can do pull-ups: both at home on a homemade horizontal bar, and in the gym (I think there is no gym that doesn’t have a pull-up bar), and on the street in the conditions of wrout training, which is gaining so much popularity these days . In general, pull-ups have become an integral part of our lives, and we simply can’t live without them...

But here’s the question: there are different variations of this exercise. For example:

  1. wide, medium and narrow grip.
  2. using a pick-up or grab.
  3. concentrated execution.
  4. on one hand.
  5. with additional burden.
  6. using swinging or other elements of cheating.
  7. and many others…

And among this huge variety of variations, within the framework of this article, we would like to focus your attention on the option: pull-ups with a reverse grip - an exercise in which the emphasis of the impact shifts from the latissimus dorsi muscles to the biceps flexors of the shoulder, which allows you to effectively pump the athlete’s biceps. How is this exercise performed correctly?

  1. Take the starting position: hanging on the bar, using a reverse narrow grip - the athlete’s palms and fingers are turned towards him. The arms are almost completely straightened at the elbows.
  2. Without using swinging or inertial force, we lift, with a simultaneous sharp exhalation and bending of the arms at the elbows, until the chin touches the bar - the positive phase of the exercise.
  3. Next, after pausing for a couple of seconds at the top point of the trajectory, we lower ourselves down while simultaneously inhaling smoothly to the starting position - the negative phase of pulling up with a reverse grip.
  4. And so in a cycle of 10-15 repetitions in one set. At the same time, if the specified number of repetitions is easy for you, you can use additional weight - for example, a barbell disc attached to a belt, weighted cuffs on the legs, and other complications...

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