Eureka! Invented pill of old age

Scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, USA, are close to creating a super drug that can save people from Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease and extend life expectancy to 100 years.

Researchers were able to develop such a drug by identifying three genes that ensure a long and healthy life, and also prevent the development of diseases associated with aging. Those people whose DNA contains all three genes are 80% less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. These genes also protect a person from the dangerous effects of smoking, poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise.

Work on creating superpills is currently underway in several laboratories - scientists want to find a composition that will imitate the activity of these genes.

Last year, India tested an inexpensive drug that can protect against heart attack and stroke. Testing has shown that the polypill reduces the risk of heart disease by 80%, is safe for the body and is well absorbed.

Last year it also became known that the antifungal substance rapamycin has the properties of the elixir of life. During the experiment, American researchers gave rapamycin to elderly mice. As a result, their life expectancy increased by 28-38%. Scientists explain this effect of rapamycin by the fact that the drug blocks cellular metabolism and slows down aging.

Thus, scientists have come close to creating an elixir of youth and longevity that can prolong a person’s active and healthy life. Research in this area is ongoing.