Getting rid of excessive sweating of hands

Excessive sweating of the hands is a symptom of a common disease called hyperhidrosis. If your hands are often wet, what should you do? The reasons may be: disorders in the endocrine system; disruptions in the body caused by severe stressful situations. People who have hyperhidrosis have problems with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

There are two fundamentally different ways of treatment: medicinal (traditional medicine) and non-medicinal (herbs and various improvised means - alternative medicine). As a rule, the former pays more attention to the treatment of the root cause - the impact on the central links of the autonomic system, and representatives of alternative medicine - the impact on the consequence - the zone of excessive sweating.

Treatment with medications is a matter for doctors, who prescribe a number of tests and studies beforehand, and then prescribe the necessary medications and procedures. More recently, another medicinal method was invented: subcutaneous injections of Botox. They contain a weak toxin - the causative agent of botulism, which, when it enters the subcutaneous layers, blocks the functioning of the nerve bases.

The most effective folk remedies are:

  1. A combination of sunshine and sea salt bath.

  2. Baths made from silver birch leaves in a ratio of one to ten. After the procedure, it is necessary for the skin to dry on its own. In this case, a course of baths of ten to twelve procedures helps.

  3. Baths of three heaped tablespoons of oak bark and one liter of water. The palms are kept in a warm broth for seven minutes.