The healthiest morning drink has been named

Orange juice is the healthiest morning drink that can prolong the youth of the body, strengthen the immune system and keep weight under control, according to American scientists after a number of studies.

The experiment was conducted by endocrinologists from the University at Buffalo on 30 volunteers aged 20 to 40 years. All test participants ate the same breakfast, consisting of a sausage sandwich, an omelet and potatoes. However, each of the three groups washed down their meals with different drinks: sweet water, plain water and orange juice, respectively.

After breakfast, the participants' blood was analyzed at one, three and five hours. The results of the study showed that the blood glucose levels of participants who drank orange juice were lower than those of the other groups, and the levels of substances responsible for immunity were higher. These findings confirm that orange juice is an excellent way to prevent a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, diabetes and obesity.

In addition, orange juice has a high concentration of active substances that work as antioxidants and fight free radicals, neutralizing inflammation. This makes it not only useful for morning meals, but also for improving immunity in general.

Thus, orange juice is not just a tasty and refreshing drink, but also a real boost of energy and health for the body. Adding it to your diet can help strengthen the immune system, keep your body looking youthful, and control your weight.