Exercises to correct posture.

Any student who was educated in a Soviet school remembers a poster above the blackboard in the classroom with the inscription “Sit correctly!” Teachers also paid great attention to posture, periodically making comments to students: “Don’t slouch! Sit up straight." We have been taught to hold our back since childhood...

Exercises to correct posture.

Our contemporaries and especially our contemporaries, setting themselves the task of forming a beautiful, slender body, sometimes completely forget that the basis of this, first of all, is a straight spine.

Experienced athletes and bodybuilders are unanimous in the opinion that any work on your body must begin with the education of the spine, namely, with posture. Does it make sense to spend time on methods for enlarging and improving breast elasticity, purchasing expensive creams and dietary supplements, when it is enough to simply monitor correct posture.

What is correct posture?

Before you start fixing anything, you need to know what to strive for. This maxim can also be applied to correction of the spine. Let us recall the description of correct posture: head raised high, a slight bend in the neck and the chin set slightly forward. The chest is slightly tilted back, the shoulders are level. The abdomen is tucked in, the lumbar and pelvic regions are tilted back.

No matter how ideal your posture may be in youth, significant changes occur with age, or, more precisely, curvature. This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Consequences of illness or injury;
  2. Professional activity of a person;
  3. Poor physical development.

Although doctors recommend eliminating posture problems at least during adolescence, adults with similar problems should not despair either. Many sets of simple and most importantly effective exercises have long been developed to correct your physique. And everyone will be able to choose a complex for themselves.

But before you start working on the exercises themselves, you need to learn how to hold your back correctly. And ensure that your body is not tense. But even to achieve a “straight” back, you don’t need to walk all day long as if you had swallowed a sword.

A set of exercises must be selected in such a way that the muscles of the abdomen, back, hips, shoulders and neck are involved in the work. Without maintaining the balance of the muscular system, it is almost impossible to correct posture.

Exercises to correct posture.

Further in this article we will look at the simplest exercises for correcting posture, which you can perform at home, at work, on the street, in general, in almost any place available to you...

Of course, working out in a bodybuilding club, in fitness groups, etc. you will not have problems choosing a set of exercises. But at home you will do everything yourself.

Doctors recommend correcting your gait first. There is a very simple and effective solution for this. This is carrying a small load on your head. At home, a book is most often used. It is necessary to carry the book as long as possible. In terms of frequency, the exercise is performed as often as possible. The purpose of this exercise is:

  1. Strengthening the neck muscles;
  2. Coordination training.

As an example, you can give the posture of waiters in elite restaurants. It is with the help of this exercise that it is corrected.

The complex itself usually begins with a warm-up. Many medical and sports specialists recommend adhering to the order of doing exercises and breathing correctly. But practice shows that this is not significant. The main thing is regular exercise.

The warm-up complex includes movements to stretch the muscles of the chest and back. This complex can include various rotations of the arms and shoulder joint. For example, we clasp our hands behind our backs. Afterwards, you need to slowly bend forward, while moving your arms back as much as possible. Must be repeated 5-8 times.

Get into the position of your hands at your sides, like a soldier. Raise your right hand up, while your left hand must be pulled back. During the execution, you should try to bring your arms bent at the elbows together behind your back. Do 6-8 repetitions, changing hands.

Plank - An excellent exercise for correcting posture.

The simplest thing is to pull in the abdomen. While inhaling, we pull in the stomach as much as possible, after which we exhale slowly, relaxing the abdominal muscles. Exercise “Vacuum” (I think it’s clear why it’s called that) is done for 4-5 minutes several times a day. It is necessary to ensure that at least an hour passes after eating.

Another great remedy in our struggle for slimness is the isometric Planck exercise. Leaning on your elbows and toes, you need to maintain a static position for as long as possible. It has a great effect not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the back, and that’s what we’ll deal with next...

To get rid of slouching, you need to strengthen the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. The following recipe is perfect for this: bring your shoulder blades together using maximum effort. In this case, the shoulders are pulled back and slightly upward. Having reached the extreme point, we hold the stats for up to 4 seconds. Then the starting position. All this is repeated up to 20 times.

At home, you can use the help of small weights. For example, dumbbells, a tourniquet. Regular push-ups and pull-ups will help perfectly. When doing push-ups, place your hands shoulder-width apart. And pull-ups are performed with a wide grip.