Fitness for business women

Fitness for business women: a set of exercises for busy girls

Modern women are gripped by an exciting topic - how to devote enough time to health and fitness while working full time at work and family concerns. However, you cannot forget about your health, because only in a healthy body can there be a healthy mind. American fitness trainer Teddy Bass has developed a set of exercises for busy girls that will take no more than 20 minutes a day and will allow you to keep yourself in great shape.

One of the main elements of the complex is an exercise for pumping the legs. Lie on your side, bend your knees, and place a fitness ball under your arm for better balance. Put an elastic bandage on your legs (a little above your knees) and begin to lift your leg. Repeat 12 times, then switch sides. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as improve balance.

Another important element of the complex is the stretching exercise. Sit on a chair with your back straight. Then raise your arms up and bend them at the elbows so that your hands are behind your head. Lean forward, keeping your back straight, and feel the stretch in your back and shoulders. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times to improve your flexibility and posture.

It is also important to take care of your posture. While working at the computer, we often lean forward, which leads to poor posture. To improve your posture, you can perform the exercise while sitting on a chair. Sit on a chair with your back straight, place your hands on your knees and begin to slowly turn left and right, keeping your back straight. Repeat the exercise several times to strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.

The training plan is simple - 3 times a week, each exercise 12 repetitions. This set of exercises will take no more than 20 minutes a day, but will keep your body in excellent shape, strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. It is important to understand that taking care of your health is taking care of yourself, which means how we look and feel. It is necessary to devote enough time to this in order to be in shape and feel more alert and energetic throughout the day.