The gene for homosexuality is inherited

It turns out that genes, which have already been called gay genes, are largely responsible for the sexual orientation of men. Italian scientists suggest that homosexuality is transmitted to a man with his mother's genes, and in women this gene is responsible for having many children.

Dr. Andrea Camperio Ciani from the University of Padua decided to find out why homosexuality does not disappear with the development of humanity, because it itself leads to the cessation of the race, which means that its genes should soon disappear from the entire human race. It turned out that the homosexual gene, if it manifests itself in women, is responsible for their increased reproductive ability, as a result, homosexual men are more often born in large families, and women with this gene increase the likelihood of having a son with a non-traditional orientation.

“This gene is not directly transmitted, but can be passed on from generation to generation, stored in the family set of genes on the X chromosome, that is, inherited through the female line,” says Andrea Camperio Ciani.

Surprisingly, if the gay gene prevents procreation among men, among women it, on the contrary, increases reproduction; moreover, women with this set of genes are more attractive to men. According to Italian scientists, this is a kind of natural balance that helps women produce more offspring as opposed to men who do not procreate.
