Alternative medicine: what you didn't know

Alternative medicine, also known as alternative medicine, non-conventional medicine or non-conventional medicine, is an approach to the treatment and prevention of diseases based on the assessment of their manifestations, rather than on the study of their causes and mechanisms. It is interesting that most alternative medicine approaches have deep historical roots and, formally, are more traditional and classical than modern medicine, which appeared relatively recently.

Terms such as "alternative medicine", "alternative medicine", "non-conventional medicine", "non-classical medicine" and "naturopathy" are not clearly defined and are often used in different ways. Sometimes alternative medicine is understood as any innovative medical project, which makes it much more difficult to understand and evaluate this approach to treatment.

Complementary medicine, which is sometimes called alternative approaches used in conjunction with conventional medicine, is also a type of alternative medicine. Traditional medicine can also be classified as non-traditional methods of treatment.

The concept of alternative medicine arose in the 20th century in connection with the growing differences in the approaches of generally accepted medicine, based on the study of the mechanisms of diseases, and the approaches of alternative medicine, based, as before, on the assessment of the manifestations of the disease.

One of the main arguments against the effectiveness of alternative medicine methods in the treatment of various diseases in clinical trials is the fact that it has been studied extremely poorly. Individual cases of both positive and negative treatment results are not proof or an indicator of the degree of effectiveness of treatment for a number of reasons. One of them is the “placebo effect,” when an improvement in the condition of some patients occurs, despite the absence of a therapeutic effect, only due to their confidence that they are taking an effective medicine. A positive effect can also be observed under the influence of the doctor’s psychological influence on the patient.

There is an opinion that the methods of alternative medicine, despite their apparent simplicity, are much more difficult to master compared to the approaches of generally accepted medicine. For example, some alternative medicine methods, such as acupuncture or herbal medicine, require extensive knowledge and experience in their use in order to be effective.

Although many alternative medicine methods are not scientifically backed and may not produce the expected results, some of them may be beneficial for some patients. For example, some alternative medicine techniques, such as yoga, meditation or massage, can help manage stress and improve quality of life.

It is important to remember that any treatment methods, including alternative medicine methods, should only be used after consultation with a qualified physician. In addition, before using any alternative medicine methods, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of their effectiveness and safety.