Does a bodybuilder even need a Plank?

There is a myth that static exercises are not for bodybuilders! Because a real heavyweight must lift heavy weights, and at the maximum possible amplitude with an impressive number of repetitions, and not, simply frozen, maintain some kind of ridiculous fixed pose...

But really, how many athletes have you seen in the gym who would stand for a long time, say, in a squat with their backs against the wall? I’ve never seen anything like this...  Perhaps it’s all because people try to make the most of the infrastructure of a fitness center or gym, and therefore work with the equipment available here... And you can work out statics in your free time at home... I think , Yes! This is precisely the reason. Since we’re already in the gym, we’ll lift dumbbells and barbells, work on the machines, since we paid. Let's leave the static for homework...

That is why you rarely see static in sports institutions performed by serious athletes... And yet it exists! She just remains somewhere behind the scenes... Where no one sees her...

I don’t know about you, but I love Plank! This is an excellent exercise for the abdominal muscles. Plank is especially good at the finishing stage. When you’ve already done three sets of sit-ups, then added three more sets of crunches, raised your legs while hanging on a bar or a wall bars... After all this, your abs are already pretty loaded, and here, like nothing else, Plank will help us! She will put an emphasis on working on our stomach...

Moreover, towards the end of the workout, when there is almost no strength and energy, and it is already problematic to do something serious, we will just need to hold a static pose, and that’s all! Nothing complicated! However, this is a very cool and effective way to make your belly burn with fire! Especially if the number of approaches is at least more than two...

In general, answering the question: “Does a bodybuilder even need Plank?” My personal answer is:  “Yes! Definitely needed!” And we advise everyone who has not yet adopted it to do so as soon as possible. As well as other useful static exercises. Statics allows us to have a different effect on our muscles, for which there is nothing worse than constancy. After all, addiction is our biggest enemy! Well, then hit the enemy on all fronts, and you will be happy!

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