Fitness sports bag or backpack? - who will win?

Have you ever wondered what is the best way to wear your shift to training? Some people prefer sports bags, some prefer backpacks, and some are even content with a plastic bag from Auchan. Our topic today: “What is the best way to wear sportswear and weights for your workout?” So fasten your seat belts and we're taking off...

Having thrown plastic bags into the trash - only losers carry them, the main question remains to be answered: A sports bag for fitness or a backpack? Who will win? Well, let's figure it out... After all, these two sports accessories are the most popular and in demand among fitness men and bodybuilders...

A sports bag is very convenient, you can hang it on your shoulder, everything fits in it, but a sports backpack is in no way inferior in ergonomics, convenience and spaciousness... Well, let's ask a professional for his opinion. The honored coach of Russia, prize-winner and winner of numerous fitness, bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions Nikolai Zamoysky will answer this tricky question.

“Nikolai, a sports bag or a backpack – which do you personally prefer? And why?"

“My answer will be unequivocal, because I made my choice a long time ago: a backpack. Now I’ll explain why... If you’ve been in bodybuilding for more than a year, then you probably know how important cardio is in an athlete’s training. It is for this reason that I devote the lion's share of my time to cardio. But we don’t have a lot of time! Here sometimes you won’t even be able to lift a barbell for half an hour... So you have to save it as much as possible. How can you save time to benefit your business? You don’t walk to workout, and certainly don’t go by car or transport, but run or ride a bike, thereby killing two birds with one stone - you’ll get there faster, and you’ll get enough of your daily cardio... That’s exactly what I do all the time. Now, returning to the original topic, let's think: how to run to training with a sports bag? Even if it hangs on your shoulder, it’s still unrealistic. It's just a backpack - hang it up and run! Well, or a big one... Who likes what... Convenient, comfortable, ergonomic and most importantly - effective. The main thing is to choose the right backpack for yourself, because it is, in fact, not so simple. Therefore, first I recommend studying all the characteristics of modern backpacks and making a clear choice. I remember myself once typing in Google: how to choose the right backpack. Well, I gave you the main advice, and now it’s up to you... See you in the rocking chair or on a hike in the forest or in nature - after all, a good backpack is also great for such purposes! Good luck to everyone!”

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