Annual medical tests for women

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The problem of citizens’ irresponsible attitude towards their health is very acute in our country. Everyone knows that you need to undergo regular medical examinations. But it is very rare who finds time for themselves. In addition, the quality of medical care often does not contribute to the desire to see the doctor again.

Regular medical examinations with doctors should become a habit. But you shouldn’t go to extremes either. Running to doctors and looking for sores is not a way out of the situation. Doctors recommend undergoing medical examination, that is, a set of measures carried out for the early detection of chronic diseases, at least once every two years. But there are also doctors whom women need to visit more often.

Blood and urine tests

A general blood and urine test should become mandatory and annual. The fact is that almost any pathology is reflected in changes in blood composition. Thus, it is easy to diagnose anemia and inflammatory processes in the body using blood. A blood sugar test will help prevent the development of diabetes. Blood for these tests is taken from a finger.

A biochemical test of blood taken from a vein will show a more complete picture of what is happening in your body. Women especially need to pay attention to your hormone levels to check how well your ovaries and thyroid are functioning.

Blood can also reveal diseases such as herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, etc. The prevalence of viral hepatitis and HIV infection is constantly increasing, in addition, these diseases are asymptomatic for a long time. That is why it is necessary to have a blood test done once a year. The basic rule is to donate blood on an empty stomach.

The composition of the urine directly depends on the composition of the blood. Based on its results, it is also possible to identify pathological processes in the body as a whole and in the genitourinary system in particular. To carry out this analysis, as a rule, morning urine is used, which contains the most complete information.

Electrocardiography (ECG)

This way they check how your heart is working. Normally, certain intervals and waves can be distinguished on the cardiogram, reflecting the sequence of excitation of the heart muscle. For various diseases, the size, shape, duration, location of both the teeth and the intervals shown on the cardiogram may change. Based on these indicators, the doctor makes his conclusion. This procedure is absolutely harmless to health.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis

This method helps diagnose various diseases, as well as detect tumors and other changes. As for the abdominal organs, the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, as well as retroperitoneal vessels are examined.

Breast examination

Self-breast examination should become a habit. For women who have reached menopause, self-examination should be done once a month, on the same day. It is very convenient to carry out inspections in the shower. At the first alarm bells, you need to contact a mammologist.

However, self-examination only complements examination by a doctor. Therefore, it is advisable for girls under 40 to visit a mammologist annually for a medical examination of the mammary glands. At the age of 40, it makes sense to have a mammogram. This method allows you to detect cancer at an early stage. Women aged 40 years and older should undergo this diagnosis annually.

Don’t forget to also get a fluorography (once a year), visit a dentist (every six months) and an ophthalmologist. As for the latter, doctors advise adhering to the following scheme: 20-30 years - during this period it is enough to visit the doctor once, 30-40 years - two visits are enough for people with good eyesight, after 40 years a visit to the ophthalmologist once every two years should be become mandatory.