Working during pregnancy harms the unborn baby

Scientists from the United States have found that women who work during pregnancy, especially in positions where they need to spend a lot of time on their feet, risk giving birth to children who are physically retarded.

According to the study, babies of mothers who worked in similar jobs during pregnancy had smaller heads compared to other children. For the study, doctors analyzed the medical data of 4 thousand pregnant women, and also interviewed them in detail about working conditions, recording fetal growth with ultrasound.

It turned out that women who spent a lot of time on their feet gave birth to babies with a smaller head circumference. Scientists considered the types of work where pregnant women spend about 40 hours a week on their feet to be dangerous. Thus, salespeople, teachers, conductors, doctors and representatives of other fields of activity should think about changing jobs before pregnancy.

About 50% of women admitted that they had to walk a lot while carrying a child, 6% noted that they did hard work, and 3% even worked night shifts.

Doctors have concluded that the safe limit for standing work for mother and child is 36 hours a week.
