Herpes on the lips. How to calm a fever?

Herpes labialis is a common condition that appears as a group of painful blisters on the lips. It is caused by the herpes virus, which can lurk in the nerve plexuses and awaken when the immune system is weakened or under stress. In this article we will talk about how to prevent the appearance of herpes on the lips and how to quickly get rid of it.

First of all, you should know that the most effective way to prevent the appearance of herpes is to quickly apply an antiviral drug in the first 2-3 hours after the first symptoms appear - burning and tingling on the lip. Medicines such as Zovirax, Virolex or acyclovir help prevent the development of herpetic blisters.

If you did not apply the antiviral cream on time, using it can still reduce discomfort and speed up recovery. In addition, an oil solution of vitamin E (reduces pain and accelerates the healing of ulcers) or salicylic-zinc paste (dries out) can help in the fight against herpes.

You should also pay attention to your diet. American doctors claim that the amino acid lysine, found in dairy products, fish, chicken, brewer's yeast and soybeans, suppresses the growth and reproduction of herpes viruses, while the amino acid arginine, found in chocolate, nuts, raisins, sesame seeds, cereals, stimulates the reproduction of viruses. So, to prevent the appearance of herpes on the lips, it is better to replace chocolate with a glass of milk.

In addition, when herpes appears on the lips, you should take some precautions so as not to infect other people and not worsen your own condition. For example, you need to wet your hands more often, use only your own cup and towel, do not touch your eyes so as not to spread the virus to new territories, and do not kiss someone you truly love for a week after the inflammation has subsided. Also, you should not pick off blisters or remove crusts, as this can introduce other microbes into the wound, which will interfere with rapid healing.

Finally, when you go skiing where there is sun, don't forget to use a lip gel with UV filters. This will reduce the likelihood of herpes appearing on the lips, since sunlight can be one of the causes of its occurrence.

In general, to avoid the appearance of herpes on the lips, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, monitor your health, maintain hygiene and avoid stress. If herpes does appear, it is important to quickly use antiviral drugs and take precautions so as not to infect others.