A woman's perspective on intimate group exercises.

During fitness classes in the gym or at home, people pay attention to almost all parts of the body. This allows you to correct your posture and improve your figure. Alas, most women do not even suspect that the vagina can also be trained. This will help you get an orgasm more often and make it brighter, and will also serve as a prevention of urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse and a number of other female ailments. In addition, a woman’s trained intimate muscles can bring a lot of pleasure to her partner.

About wumbling...

Vumbuilding is a system of exercises for a woman’s intimate muscle group. Arnold Kegel is considered the founder of wumbling, who treated patients using balls he created with a displaced center of gravity. To be fair, it is worth noting that before Kegel, such balls were in the arsenal even in the Middle Ages among geishas and other priestesses of love in Eastern countries. For wumbling exercises, you can also purchase other simulators: laser, pump, and various weights. But at the initial stages of classes it is not recommended to use additional objects, as you can injure the vagina.

Set of exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, and bend your knees at right angles. Leaning on your hands, raise and lower your pelvis. After repeating 15 times, rest for 30-60 seconds. Do 3-5 approaches. This exercise will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and warm up the desired muscle group.

  2. In the same starting position, continue to raise and lower your pelvis, but pause at the top point for a moment. The buttocks, thighs, and internal vaginal muscles should be tense at this moment.
  3. During each visit to the toilet, tense your muscles, interrupting urination for 1-2 seconds. This way you will determine what exactly there, inside, you will train in the future. You should not practice this exercise all the time, because it can provoke the development of certain diseases of the genitourinary tract.
  4. Briefly tense your vaginal muscles and relax. Repeat several times in a row. You will most likely feel a slight feeling of excitement. It is recommended to practice this exercise constantly throughout the day, because you can do it sitting, standing, or lying down. Over time, try to hold the tension for more than one or two seconds.
  5. Work on strengthening your sphincter. While sitting, standing or lying down, tense and relax the muscles of the anus. Try not to lose your breath or tense your abs.
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