Correcting posture with an elastic band

Good posture is not only pleasing to the eyes, it's also great for your health. Correct posture helps reduce the risk of back pain and improves breathing and circulation. But what if you already have problems with posture? In this article we will tell you how to correct your posture using an elastic band.

Choosing the right tape

Before you start exercising, it is important to choose the right resistance band. To make it fit, stretch it 5 times. If you don't feel tired, then the tape is suitable for you. If you feel tired, choose a less tight tape.

Exercise one

For this exercise you need a tape with handles at the ends. Stand straight, grab the ends of the tape with your hands, and place your feet shoulder-width apart on its sagging middle. Bend your elbows, creating a slight stretch. Then try to move your elbows as far back as possible without changing the elbow angle. Do the exercise at a slow pace. Listen to yourself: in this case, the muscles located between the shoulder blades should work.

Exercise two

For this exercise you will also need a band with handles on the ends. Stand in the same position as in the first exercise. Now pull the band up until your hands are at chest level. Now spread your elbows to the side. Do the exercise 6-10 times to start, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise three

For this exercise you need a band without handles. Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Fold the tape in half, grab the ends and stretch in front of your chest as you exhale. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.


Correcting your posture is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But if you regularly perform these exercises with an elastic band, your muscles will become stronger and your posture will be straighter. Remember that correct posture is not only beautiful, but also good for your health.