Does a bodybuilder need psychological recovery?

Did you know that in addition to the physical recovery that we have worn out to holes, psychological recovery is also an important factor in the preparation of an athlete. Day after day, week after week, we go to the gym and subject ourselves to hard, exhausting work with sub-limit weights, which inevitably exhausts not only our body and our muscles, but also our spiritual component. How to be? We need to switch to a radically different activity.

It is for this reason that it is important to periodically take short vacations for yourself - just a few days, and sometimes even better, a week, during which you will eat actively, get good and full sleep, enjoy life, experience only positive emotions, and completely forget about heavy iron. During this allotted time, you should fully recover and rest well, both body and soul.

But here’s the question: is it really necessary to completely forget about sports during this period? - Well, of course not! You just need to switch yourself to another job. For example, these days I prefer to put on my favorite cute centipede boots in the morning - this is what football players jokingly call their shoes because of the large number of spikes on their soles, and go to the football field with friends to kick the ball. By the way, switching to aerobic types of training could not be more important for all fans of iron sports, due to the fact that due to constant monotonous, sedentary work in the gym, our heart and lungs do not keep up with development.

Therefore, they need additional, specialized training. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the significance of this moment. And he, in fact, is extremely important in the entire strategy of training an athlete. For example, experienced professionals must begin their training with a cardio introduction and devote at least 30% of the total time allotted to training to aerobic training. So keep that in mind!

After playing for just half a day, I return home a completely different person. And not at all a big, gloomy, taciturn “lump” full of muscles, but a person with a smile on his face, a sparkle in his eyes, an incredibly cool mood and a charge of positive energy for the whole next week. Here is a classic example of proper psychological recovery for a bodybuilder - take it to heart and use it!

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