Exercises to do before bed

When the workday is over, it's time to give your body a chance to relax. We present to your attention a set of exercises for relaxation and gentle stretching of tired muscles.

To avoid overdoing it and harming your body, avoid doing high-intensity exercise just before bed. This can lead to you not falling asleep and your body not getting the rest it deserves. An ideal option for such a workout would be elements of fitness yoga and Pilates. Also, do not delay the workout itself - 20-25 minutes will be enough.

For a clearer understanding, here are examples of several exercises.

  1. Warm-up

Stand straight with your feet together and gently lean forward until you wrap your arms around your shin. Try to touch your chest to your knees. Do this five times and lock into the bottom position.

Then spread your legs wider than your shoulders, heels on the floor and with light springy movements, stretch your arms towards the floor. So 5 times. Make all movements slowly so as not to injure the muscles that are not yet warmed up.

Dog. Place your arms and legs wider than shoulder width and keep them