Ancient recipes for colds

The beginning of spring is a dangerous time. It is really very easy to catch a cold in the warm wind. To prevent this from happening, you can insure yourself. I WANT recommends recipes for decoctions and infusions that will support the body during the changing seasons. Drugs can be used for both prevention and treatment.

The first remedy for colds is apricots. An infusion is prepared from dried and ground kernels: pour a spoonful of powder into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, wrapping it well. Drink warm, in small sips, as a sedative for whooping cough, chronic and acute bronchitis, and laryngitis. It is better not to give the infusion to children. Apricot puree or porridge made from chopped dried apricots will help them. A glass of apricot juice (or jam diluted with water) reduces the temperature in children and adults, quenches thirst and removes toxins.

The following mixture will help get rid of phlegm and eliminate fever: crushed apricot kernels, walnuts and honey are mixed in equal parts and taken one teaspoon on an empty stomach for any cough. You just have to remember that apricot kernels must be fresh, as poisonous hydrocyanic acid can accumulate in them over time.

And, of course, everyone will love the sweet mixture of chopped dried apricots, raisins and nuts (a glass in total). Add to the resulting mass two lemons, peeled but pitted, twisted in a meat grinder, and one and a half glasses of honey. Stir and eat a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Author: Maria Lukina