Women's day calendar

Every month, women perceive vaguely familiar sensations that do not always bring joy. Critical days are usually accompanied by pain, nervousness, and sometimes heavy bleeding. But despite this, menstrual periods are an important indicator of women’s health and are necessary for reproductive function.

The normal menstrual cycle for women aged 15 to 49 years should range from 21 to 35 days, and critical days should range from 3 to 7 days. If your period becomes shorter or longer than usual, this may be due to stress, overwork, climate change or ovarian dysfunction. In such cases, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Critical days should not be accompanied by severe pain. If discomfort appears before the onset of menstruation or persists during it, this may be a sign of various diseases, such as endometriosis. Also, heavy bleeding and the appearance of brown spotting after menstruation may indicate health problems and require the attention of a doctor.

To prevent diseases and maintain health, women should monitor their menstrual cycle, keep a calendar and regularly visit a gynecologist for preventive examinations.

On critical days, the female body is more vulnerable, so it is necessary to choose the right hygiene products. Gynecologists recommend using both pads and tampons, changing them every 2-4 hours and not leaving tampons on for more than 8 hours, so as not to increase the risk of inflammation.

In addition, during menstruation, women may experience various unpleasant sensations, such as pain and nervousness. To relieve symptoms, you can take iron, calcium and magnesium supplements, as well as eat apples, pomegranates, eggs and red meat.

It is important to remember that periods are not just an inconvenience, but an important indicator of women's health. Monitoring your menstrual cycle and paying close attention to your health will help women maintain reproductive function and overall well-being.