Celebrity fitness: favorite exercises of Demi Moore and Heidi Klum

The figures of celebrities always cause delight and admiration and are an example of how you can achieve ideal shapes with your own work, without resorting to the services of surgeons.

To look great on camera and on the red carpet, Hollywood actresses constantly work on their bodies, adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. As a result, when we look at their photos on the beach in swimsuits, we admire their beauty and perseverance. Without a doubt, every celebrity has their own methods and secrets for self-care, but the most important role in this matter is, of course, played by a personal fitness trainer, who develops a unique set of exercises individually for each of his celebrity clients. In our material you will find fitness lessons from such recognized beauties as Demi Moore and Heidi Klum.

Coach Gregory Jooin-Rocher's classes with Demi Moore

Exercises for arms: sit on a chair, keep your back straight. Hold dumbbells in your hands, elbows close to your hips, and begin to lift and lower the dumbbells. Do the exercises for as long as you can.

Leg exercises: hold dumbbells in your hands and lunge backwards. When returning to the starting position, do not straighten up, but cross your legs, as if curtseying. Repeat 20 times on each leg.

Coach David Kirch's classes with Heidi Klum

It is necessary to return to the previous shape after the birth of a child gradually, correctly distributing the load. To begin with, try to walk a lot and move actively. After a month, you can start cardio exercises, which you can do with your child.

For the abs: lie on your back, lift your legs up and bend your knees. Place your baby on your shins facing you, holding him with your hands. Begin to slowly raise and lower your back. Repeat 15 times in two sets.

For the legs: While walking, hold hands with your children and start running in circles while humming your favorite children's song. At the end of the verse, sit on your knees, repeat as much as you can. This way, you will burn calories and your child will have fun.