Top 6 exercises for a thin waist

Do you want to have a thin waist? By eating a healthy diet, living a healthy lifestyle and exercising, you can make this a reality. Although abdominal exercises can strengthen your muscles and give you an athletic figure, they do not always help reduce your waist size. To get a flexible and thin waist, you will need a set of exercises presented below. Include them in your training program and enjoy the results.

  1. Crunches for a wasp waist:
    This simple and effective exercise will help you reduce your waist size. Perform it daily, two sets of 15 times. Start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase the load.

  2. Knee swings:
    Get into the starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head and actively draw in your stomach. Raise your left knee, trying to reach it with your right elbow while holding your breath. Pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, reaching your right knee to your left elbow. Continue to perform knee swings regularly.

  3. Reaching to the floor:
    Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended and relaxed. Bend your left knee and try to touch the floor to your left. It is important to keep your lower back on the floor while performing the movement through the flexibility of your body. Then return your leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise with your right leg. Gradually increase your flexibility and repeat the exercise regularly.

  4. Chair bends:
    Stand with your right side to the chair. The right leg should rest on the back of the chair. Perform a deep bend towards your left leg as you exhale. Try not to bend your knees. Then inhale and straighten up. On your next exhalation, bend toward your leg resting on the back of the chair. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the exercise 15 times on one side, then change the position of your legs and repeat.

  5. Body rotations:
    Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Raise your arms to shoulder level. Slowly turn your body to the right until you feel tension in your muscles. Then slowly turn to the left. Ver6. Side slope plank:
    Start in a regular plank position, resting on your forearms and soles of your feet. Then move into a side plank, using only one arm and the inside of your leg. Raise your free arm up and slowly lean to the side, creating lateral tension in your waist. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform several repetitions on each side.

In addition to these exercises, it is also important to monitor your diet and overall activity. Eating a healthy diet that includes moderate calorie intake and is rich in nutrients will help reduce fat levels in the body, including the waist area. Also, regular aerobic activity such as walking, running, swimming or cycling helps burn excess calories and improves your overall figure.

It's important to remember that achieving a small waist takes time and dedication. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts, and be consistent in your efforts. Additionally, before starting a new exercise program, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor or trainer to ensure that the exercises you choose are safe and suitable for your individual needs and physical condition.