No allergies! Today is World Allergy Day!

No allergies!

July 8 is World Allergy Day. This date was set in 2005 to draw public attention to the problem of allergies and emphasize the importance of prevention and treatment of this disease.

According to WHO, 20-40% of the world's population currently suffer from various forms of allergies. And every 10 years the number of patients doubles. According to forecasts, in the coming years more than half of the world's inhabitants will become allergic.

In Russia, about 30% of the population is susceptible to allergies. However, many people do not realize this and mistake the symptoms for manifestations of other diseases. This can lead to serious complications. That's why it's so important to raise people's awareness about this issue.

There is seasonal, year-round and occupational allergic rhinitis. The reasons for the first are plant pollen, the second are allergens in the house, and the third are harmful substances at work. Many people are allergic to several factors at once.

For treatment, it is necessary first of all to limit contact with the allergen. Although it is difficult to do this completely, following the doctor’s recommendations significantly improves the condition.

Of the medications, the most effective are new generation antihistamines, in particular desloratadine. They act within 24 hours and cause virtually no side effects.

Most allergy sufferers have concomitant diseases - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma. Therefore, it is important to diagnose allergies in a timely manner and comprehensively treat all manifestations.

Let's fight this disease together! Health to you and your loved ones!