Experiment: how lack of sleep affects our body

Lack of sleep is a problem faced by many people around the world. Many of us do not pay enough attention to our sleep and do not understand how this can affect our health and the body as a whole. That is why British journalist Sarah Chalmers took part in an interesting experiment that was supposed to show how lack of sleep affects our body.

Before the experiment began, scientists analyzed the condition of Sarah's facial skin. Then the woman reduced her sleep time to just four hours a day - from two o'clock in the morning to six in the morning. Over the course of the week, Sarah noted a deterioration in her physical and mental condition.

In the first days of the experiment, Sarah did not feel very tired, but over time she began to get tired faster and began to eat more sweets. In addition, redness appeared on the surface of the skin, and the pores on the face doubled in size. Sarah noted that her skin looked much older than her age, there were circles under her eyes, and dark spots appeared on her chin. She began to get tired quickly and became more irritable.

All this can be explained by the fact that lack of sleep causes an increase in the production of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone can increase inflammation levels in the body, leading to various problems, including skin problems. Lack of sleep can also lead to problems with the production of growth hormones, which are responsible for renewing our body. This can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the body and an increased risk of developing various diseases.

Finally, it should be noted that lack of sleep can lead to a decrease in our productivity and efficiency in daily life. When we don't get enough sleep, we become more irritable and less focused. This can lead to mistakes at work, school, or other areas of life.

Thus, an experiment conducted on a British journalist demonstrates that lack of sleep can have serious consequences for our body and health. To avoid these problems, you need to pay enough attention to your sleep and try to get enough sleep every night. This will help you stay healthy and remain efficient and productive in your daily life.