Let's combine business and pleasure - sports in water

With the onset of spring and summer, many people are thinking about how to make their figure more perfect. There are many ways to achieve this goal, but one of the most effective and enjoyable is water aerobics. In this article we will look at why water sports are so beneficial and what exercises will help strengthen muscles and get rid of excess weight.

Water has a healing effect on the human body, and water aerobics in water brings much greater benefits and pleasure than on land. In addition, water not only facilitates physical activity on the body, but also enhances its effect. Therefore, water sports are an excellent choice for those who want to make their lifestyle healthier and more active.

Below are a few exercises that will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of excess weight.

Exercise 1. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to stand facing the pier or side of the pool at a distance of one and a half to two meters from it. The water should reach your chest. Run up to the support, place your hands on it as high as possible, jump out of the water and fully straighten your arms. Then return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated ten times.

Exercise 2. To perform this exercise you need to be at a sufficient depth. While staying afloat and maintaining balance, bend your knees and quickly move them in opposite directions back and forth. Repeat the exercise for a minute, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise two more times. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs and abs.

Exercise 3. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, abs and shoulders, you can perform the following exercise. Go into the water up to your neck, straighten your arms and place them on a rubber circle or piece of foam. Lean your body forward slightly and swing your legs bent forward for a minute. After the minute is up, rest for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise two more times.

Exercise 4. This exercise is great for strengthening the muscles of the chest, shoulders, back and arms. To perform it, you need to take a large inflatable ball and hold it in front of you at arm's length. Then you need to quickly and energetically swim in place, while keeping the ball in front of you with outstretched arms. Repeat the exercise for one to two minutes, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat two more times.

Exercise 5. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. To perform it, you need to stand at the edge of the pool and hold on to it with both hands. Then you need to raise your leg and make a movement similar to how you want to step on the side. Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.

Exercising in water will not only help strengthen your muscles and lose weight, but will also improve your mood and overall well-being. In addition, water aerobics is a great way to relax and relieve stress. So if you want to make your life healthier and more active, be sure to try water sports!