Additional benefits of fitness.

In our previous articles, we have repeatedly drawn your attention, dear readers, to all sorts of positive aspects that you acquire by doing fitness and bodybuilding. If we still haven’t convinced you to start building your own ideal body, now is the time. Here are a number of new additional advantages that you will receive by regularly engaging in physical exercise, which we did not mention in our previous reviews:

Saving the figure.

Even if the bathroom scale doesn't show significant weight loss, you'll still look better in looser clothes. Why? The fact is that the volume of a kilogram of fat tissue is 20 percent greater than that of a kilogram of muscle. Strength training, for just 15 minutes at a time, will allow you to burn fat and build muscle, meaning you can maintain a youthful waistline for life.

Improved sleep.

High-intensity exercise will help you sleep like a baby, which in turn will help you lose weight. Australian scientists recently found that study participants who did full-body strength training for just eight weeks saw an average 23 percent improvement in sleep quality. In addition, they began to fall asleep faster and sleep longer than before the start of the test training.

This is very important because insomnia contributes to weight gain. Scientists from Stanford University found that body weight increases in proportion to the decrease in sleep duration (7.5 hours is considered the norm), since sleep deficiency triggers the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and cortisol, which promotes the creation of fat deposits.

Strengthening bones.

Strength training is the best way to strengthen your bones. In this they have no equal. And although bone density in men does not decrease as rapidly with age as in women, they are not immune from osteoporosis. Therefore, while you are able, you should strengthen your bones.

A study of 175 men and women, published in the journal Osteoporosis, found that high-intensity exercise like the ones shown here increased bone density after just 42 weeks. In contrast, study participants who did low-intensity exercise saw a decrease in bone density over the same period of time.

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